Care for people.
Care for the planet.
Care for the shared future.

Accelerating the leadership needed to ensure a
connected, regenerative and thriving future for all!

Perma Leadership helps  leaders viscerally connect with and make sense of today’s rapidly
changing world simultaneously improving their and others’ overall health and wellness.

Care for people. Care for the planet.
Care for the shared future.

Perma Leadership is an emergent, regenerative leadership platform 
anchored in three fundamental ethics: 

Care for Planet, Care for People and Care for our Shared Future.

It is a unique platform of learning assets, methodologies and resources. It 
offers immersive experiences that enable leaders to reimagine the world and 

build capabilities to ensure a thriving future for all.

A deeply immersive


Immersion is the disciplined and
intentional practice of seeking and
applying external insight to inspire,
shape and elevate leadership.

The power of
embodied learning


Embodied learning involves disciplined and intentional practices that integrate mind, body and energy, inside and out, developing authentic leaders whose walk matches their talk.

See our partners

Perma-Leadership (coined by Dr. Susan Dunn) is spearheaded by

The Immersion Lab, Institute for Zen Leadership and RedZebra.

Stories & Insights

Let's connect and co-design a shared future where all
beings can thrive.